Date Published:Title
1918 Secretary Baker's Speech
8/6/33 Motor Trip Plans to Tennessee
8/12/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #2 Kinzel Springs, Tenn
8/17/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #3 Bryson City, N.C.
8/31/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #4
9/9/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #5
9/9/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #6
10/30/33 Motor Travel Sketches - #7
12/17/33 Helen Keller's Christmas Greeting
7/11/36Great Lakes Expo by Former Saltsburger #1
7/18/36 Great Lakes Expo by Former Saltsburger #2
7/26/36 Great Lakes Expo by Former Resident #3
Date publ. unknown For Sale
Date publ. unknownNot for Sale
Date publ. unknownBeautiful Things
3/18/37 Local Poets' Corner, Palm Sunday
8/1/37 Things like this from Cleveland
7/28/38 To Malinda J. Lytle on Her Eightieth Birthday
2/1/39 Former Saltsburger Writes a Letter
2/17/39 Tribute paid Saltsburger by former resident
3/9/39 America. D.A.R., Flu
3/16/39 Queen?s Lace
3/23/39 Cleveland Letter, 'A Mother's Plaint'
4/4/39 Window Shopping
4/13/39 Easter Theme Given Serious Consideration
5/39 Our Neighbors
6/25/39 Cleveland Letter
7/6/39 The beginning of the 'Highways and By-ways'
7/13/39 7th World's Poultry Congress and Expo ('Hyacinths for the Soul')
7/20/39Follow the Leader - Christian Endeavor Convention
7/27/39Fear. We're Home!
8/3/39The Mailbag
8/10/39 Poultry Show and Nowrytown
8/31/39 What are ?Regular? Mothers made of?
9/13/39 Niagara Falls with Knox & Family
10/1/39 Letterwriting
10/8/39Unprepared for Sunday. The "Bixby" Drama Club
10/15/39 When Virgil Plays the Flute
10/23/39 Town Hall Lecture. Lord Marley
10/30/39Alec Templeton. More from the Mailbag.
12/4/39Lacking Self-Confidence
12/11/39People to Inspire
12/18/39Christmas Eavesdropping
1/1/40 Aunt Daisy and the Christmas 'Chicken'
1/8/40 Best Books of ?39
1/30/40 The Rummage Sale
2/14/40 JUST SUPPOSE...
2/21/40 Saltsburg Bottle Works. First Communion.
4/18/40Nest-Building. Tribute to Former Pastor
4/25/40 The Torture Chamber
5/1/40 W-WELCOME, M- MAY!
5/15/40 Trivia Versus Trouble
5/30/40 Shining Armor
6/2/40 I NEED YOU
7/4/40 The divine in us. Taking Time.
7/18/40 Betty Smith is seriously ill
8/8/40 Building the 'Hut.' Betty's 'City of Dreams'
9/1/40 The Country Child
9/15/40 Those who labor. The Violinist
10/3/40 One Mother to Another - Publisher's Notice - Sunday, Sept. 15.
10/10/40 Conemaugh Preachers - Sabbath, Oct. 6
10/24/40 Winnie, Roy, and Baby Doris
11/7/40 Kathryn Henderson., H.V.Kaltenborn
11/28/40 The play, 'There shall be no Night'
12/5/40 COOKIES 'Cry Babies'
12/12/40 Teacher, Mr. Cotton
1/1/41 That Was Yesterday. Today is Christmas.
1/2/41 A Daughter's sacrifice
1/9/41 A foreboding. Never too old
1/23/41 Buster's funeral. A Special Bit of Creation
1/30/41 Two gun 'Pete.' Mr. Wilson, the Scotchman
2/6/41 A Touch of Adolescence
2/13/41 Joe Moffatt off to Camp Bowie TX
2/20/41 No rest THAT Sabbath ' Sunday, Feb. 9
3/6/41 The A B C Primer of Vitamins - Old and New
3/6/41 The Inner Glow. Callousness of the Spirit
3/20/41 Margery Summers. Margery Almira Lytle.
3/27/41 The Golden Wedding
4/3/41 Jean and the Palm Sunday Program
4/10/41 'Father, Forgive Them...'
4/17/41 Lake Lilac - 'A- Ridin? on a Raft'
4/24/41 CAROTENE
5/1/41 'There are metal nuts that twist on threaded bolts'"
5/8/41 ACORNS - Q U E S T I O N N A I R E
5/15/41 Mother's Day
5/22/41 Mrs. Emily Nelson Wright
5/29/41 Miss Maude Ewing., Mrs. J.C. Rose
6/5/41 Champion of the Blind
7/3/41 By Ways Resumed
7/10/41 Phillippa's Speeding Ticket
7/17/41 Washington D.C
8/1/41 Estelle's Trip to Ft. Sheridan. Washington D.C. by 'night'
8/7/41 Ina, Marjorie, and Flora's trip west
8/21/41 Down on the Farm
8/28/41 Teacher Marjorie Lemon. Mrs. John V. Wilcox
9/4/41 Some Carry the Banner
9/11/41 The Rural Letter Carrier
9/18/41 Teachers' Picnic
9/25/41 The Landlord
10/2/41 The Wilsons. The Forest Primeval
10/16/41 More of the Landlord - Eldoras T.
10/23/41 Col. Charles Sweeney. The Holy Land
11/6/41 Golden Wedding Party (Halloween). Wedding Announcement
11/13/41 Tom and Estelle's Wedding
11/20/41 Day at the Courthouse
11/27/41 Thanksgiving. The Wedding Gown
12/4/41 Lectures. Rita Trau
12/11/41 Mrs. Taylor's letter reached us too late for this issue of the Press
12/18/41 Mrs. Harriman , Ambassador to Norway
12/25/41 Christmas Greeting
1/8/42 Mrs. Harriman meets King Haakon of Norway
3/12/42 That little black drill
3/19/42 More about Greenland
3/26/42 False Teeth. Odds and Ends
4/9/42 God's Holy Temple (It still stands)
4/16/42 Tragic fire of London
4/30/42 THE AMERICAN RED CROSS - Blood Donor Service
5/7/42 Priorities
5/21/42 For Sale
5/28/42 For Memorial Day
6/11/42 Visit to Saltsburg. Memorial Service
6/18/42 Still Visiting in Saltsburg
6/25/42 Third Anniversary of Column
7/9/42 Waiting for visitors
7/16/42 Johnnie Gilkerson
7/23/42 Entertaining Angels Unawares
8/6/42 Mrs. Emily Wright - Piano duets with Aunt Phil. Barney at the Boaks
8/20/42 The Robinson's. Euclid Beach
8/27/42 Tom's Visit from Ft. Leonard Wood
9/3/42 Things are not always what they seem
9/10/42 "There is a lady passing by ..."
9/17/42 A Mother's Day Song
9/24/42 James Lytle letter. Some Carry the Banner
10/1/42 A Military Jamboree
10/8/42 Commissioning an Ancient Rifle. More Army War Show.
10/15/42 A Grape Day for Travelling
10/22/42 "Lord of the Harvest." Fruits of Friendship
10/29/42 When a leaf reaches its greatest beauty...
11/5/42 Quick Trip Home
11/12/42 Women in the War
11/19/42 The turret lathe
11/26/42 1st Woman at W & S
12/10/42 Factory Friction. Fellowship and Fun
12/17/42 Visit to Santa
12/24/42 Tom's Illness. A Christmas Need
12/31/42 Looking Forward to a brighter year
1/14/43 Not everyone makes an effort
1/28/43 Touring Warner & Swasey. Shelby Coffman
2/18/43 Karl, Joe, and Tookie
2/11/43 "Will there be fishing in Heaven?"
3/4/43 Johnnie Gilkerson
3/11/43 The Red Cross. Jane.
3/18/43 The Woes of War
4/1/43 The American Boy. The Leap Year Party.
4/15/43 Hutchinson's Farewell Address
4/22/43 ... Like Lazarus
4/29/43 Essie.
5/6/43 Ed Starret. Visit by F.D.R. to Warm Springs, GA. Letter by Nana to F.D.R
5/20/43 Letters from J. Gilkerson and Shelby (W&S) and FDR's Sec'y
5/27/43 Craig Seasholes
6/17/43 Craig Seasholes
6/24/43 Children's Day in Church. Chuck an Usher
7/1/43 Maurice Maeterlinck, Author of "Bluebird
7/8/43 Betty Smith - How she became an integral part of our family
7/9/43 The Casualties are Light
7/15/43 The Sunshine Club at W&S - Memories
7/22/43 An Open Letter to Malinda Lytle
8/26/43 Recuperating at the Boaks.
9/2/43 The Boak's home
9/9/43 Charles' Column
9/16/43 The Boaks
10/7/43 "Mother" Kate Virginia McQuiston
10/14/43 Clifford and Nancy Boak Erikson
10/28/43 To Our Boys in the Service
11/4/43 Salute to a Soldier
11/11/43 Salute to a Soldier
11/25/43 Apathy - A Vicious Foe From Within
12/2/43 Mrs. Smithheisler goes to Las Cruces. Time marches on!
12/9/43 Suggestions, Anyone?
12/16/43 Troubles Three
12/23/43 Mrs. Malinda Jane (Elrick) Lytle
1/6/44 The Deaths of Clarence Summers & Francis Moore of Apollo
2/3/44 Planning the trip to California.
2/10/44 Enroute - South of Salt Lake City
2/17/44 Visit with Knox and Family in California
2/24/44 Visit to Long Beach
3/2/44 Blaine & Catherine Gilkerson, Ted, Aunt Daisy & Daughter Clyde
3/9/44 The Quest for God
3/16/44 Knox's Home. Visit with former student
3/30/44 Austin TX. Judith Moffatt's Wedding
4/6/44 More about the Wedding
4/13/44 Back home after trip out West
4/20/44 Leaving California
5/11/44 Las Cruces
5/25/44 Las Cruces, New Mexico (cont)
6/1/44 Las Cruces ... Continued
6/8/44 "Liberty Heights." Virgil Jr's Graduation
6/17/44 More about Robert Le Tourneau
6/22/44 D-Day. Bob LeTourneau
6/29/44 Calling All Patriots!
7/6/44 Mr. Werner's Story
7/13/44 Rev. Bates' Sermon. Mrs. Simon Hine.
7/27/44 Fifth Anniversary of the By-Ways
8/3/44 Reminiscing
8/17/44 "Free of Debt"
8/24/44 Dr. Davis Passed Away, Pennsville
9/7/44 BLOCK-AID
9/14/44 This Younger Generation!
10/1/44 Sweet are the Uses of Adversity
10/5/44 Canning Season
10/12/44 Hodge-Podge of Ideas and Events
11/2/44 Miss Bell Greve
11/16/44 For Whom the Bell Tolls (The Story of Bell Greve)
12/7/44 Shelby Coffman. Johnnie Gilkerson
12/21/44 There will always be a Christmas. The Bondaliers. Helen Hayes
1/11/45 Resolved... ." Good Neighbor - Mabel Woodruff
1/18/45 And all the News that's fit to print... Press Strike
1/25/45 The Telfords. Too Little ... and Too Late
1/3/46 Too Soon Forgotten
1/24/46 A Jingle a Day. Strike at Cleveland Press. After-the-War Heroes
2/7/46 Junior Department. Gladys & Elwood's Wedding
2/14/46 Bedlam with too many living at 1337 Plainfield Rd
2/28/46 A Pick at the Picket. Food for Thought
3/7/46 3/7/46 - "A Bell for Adano"
3/15/46 Titian Rose. The Community Center - Saltsburg, Pa.
3/22/46 Traveling Companions. New Minister
4/10/46 Lenten Thoughts
4/11/46 Visit to the eye specialist and lunch
4/18/46 Ike Visits Cleveland
4/25/46 Bell Class Annual Meeting
5/9/46 Birthday Week in Review
5/25/46 On Being a Mom
5/30/46 Memorial Day Message
6/14/46 Saltsburg Memorial Fund
6/20/46 Dianne Elizabeth Young
6/27/46 27th Wedding Anniversary. The Art Linkletter Show
7/11/46 'Tis a beautiful world
7/18/46 New Job
8/8/46 Mr. E's Special Cars
8/15/46 Leona
8/24/46 Virgil Jr.'s on furlough, No column
9/13/46 The Move to California, Via Texas
9/20/46 Amarillo TX
10/12/46 The "Great" Adventure. Long Beach CA
10/18/46 More of Long Beach - Columbus Day, 1946.
11/20/46 RAIN in Long Beach
12/5/46 Visit to NBC studios
12/12/46 Mt. Wilson
12/19/46 The Magic of Christmas
1/16/47 Tournament of Roses
1/23/47 Virge's 21st Birthday
1/30/47 Father Taylor's Passing
2/6/47 Apartment Tenants
2/13/47 Church Evangelism Work
3/6/47 3/6/47 - "Little Eva" and the Fish Story
3/20/47 3/20/47 - KNOTT'S BERRY FARM
4/3/47 4/3/47 - More about the Tenants - Cornelia & Arvest
4/10/47 C.S.O.
4/17/47 4/17/47 - San Francisco!
5/1/47 5/1/47 - San Francisco (Continued) Fisherman's Wharf
5/8/47 5/8/47 - San Francisco - Telegraph Hill
5/22/47 5/22/47 - San Juan Capistrano.
5/29/47 5/29/47 - Book-Land
12/18/47 No Use Crying Over Spilt Buttermilk...
12/25/47 Thoughts of Christmas. At the "Y"
4/22/48 Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe
5/6/48 Ye Olde Curiosity Shoppe - May 1, 1948
5/20/48 More on the Curiosity Shoppe
5/27/48 A New Secretary - Charlie
6/10/48 Charlie's Column - All about Kent State Univ.
7/1/48 Visitors - The Lemons
7/8/48 Travelling to Texas
7/22/48 Mary's Cakes
8/8/48 Home Economics
8/19/48 Westminster Presbyterian Encampment, Texas
8/26/48 Visit with Judith & Wes in Hawkins TX
9/2/48 Back in Cleveland. Visit from the Deemers
9/23/48 Visit to PA with Dianne
10/7/48 Virge Visits from Spokane WA
11/11/48 Hallowe'en!
11/18/48 More Tidbits from the "Y." Pessimism
12/9/48 12/9/48 - The First Piano Quartet (continued)
12/16/48 The Passing of Dr. Elmer Onstott
12/30/48 Guarding Christ in our Hearts
1/5/49 New Year's Resolution
1/6/49 Lloyd Heasley
1/13/49 A New Year - January 1, 1949
1/20/49 Honoring Former Saltsburg People
2/3/49 A New Year's Poem. Bill Robinson.
2/10/49 The Book "CHINS UP!"
3/15/49 Recovering from the Flu
3/31/49 A Guide to Confident Living
4/14/49 Dr. Phillips is Ill !
4/28/49 Three Fluffy Chicks for Dianne from Uncle Virgil
5/19/49 A Squirrel in the Attic
6/2/49 Arthur Godfrey Broadcasts from the Airship
6/23/49 Baseball Woes
6/30/49 ANOTHER MIRACLE - Douglas Richard Young
7/14/49 Dianne and Gramma in Saltsburg
7/21/49 Tenth Anniversary of the BY-WAYS
7/28/49 Vacation Notes from Saltsburg
8/4/49 Letter from Howard Ansley
8/11/49 "Aunt Caroline took me to the Circus"
9/1/49 When Saltsburg was Young
9/8/49 Dell McQuiston Harmon
9/15/49 School Days
10/6/49 125th Milestone of the Saltsburg Pres.Church
10/20/49 Letter from Mabel Ansley Murphy, Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
11/3/49 Authors who Visit Cleveland - Dr. Peale, Dr. Overstreet, and Dr. deKruif
11/17/49 Funeral and Football Game
11/24/49 Defending Lloyd Robinson
12/1/49 EARLY HISTORY OF SALTSBURG, by courtesy of Howard Ansley
12/8/49 No Column this week - Sick Grandchild
12/15/49 'Way Back in the Sixties - A Pen Picture of Saltsburg by J.D. Moore
12/22/49 12/22/49 - Margery takes a serious fall
1/12/50 Lloyd Heasley
1/26/50 A PEN PICTURE OF SALTSBURG (continued) by J.C. Moore
2/2/50 A Pen Picture of Saltsburg in the Sixties (continued) by J.C. Moore
2/9/50 More of the History of Saltsburg, Groundhog Day
2/16/50 History of Saltsburg in the Sixties (continued) by J.C. Moore
3/2/50 The Permanent
3/16/50 In Atlanta to learn about selling the "How and Why"
3/23/50 All About Atlanta
3/30/50 Spring in Atlanta GA
4/5/50 Holy Week. Still in Atlanta GA
4/13/50 Bus Tour of Atlanta GA
4/26/50 Drama in a Service Station
5/4/50 Warm Springs GA
5/18/50 THE GOLDEN WEDDING - Florence's Early Childhood
7/13/50 The Little White House at Warm Springs
8/10/50 Visitors from Saltsburg - The Lemons
8/24/50 Howard Ryall's Birthday
8/31/50 Hot Weather Musings
9/14/50 A Trip to Texas
9/21/50 Clerking at the Knickerbocker Hotel
9/28/50 Column by Virgil Taylor about trip to Texas
10/5/50 Continuation on the trip to Texas
10/12/50 Little Things
10/26/50 Cleveland Visit by George C. Marshall
11/9/50 Terminated at the Knickerbocker
11/23/50 Recollections of Atlanta
12/7/50 Woes of a Blizzard
1/18/51 War in Korea. Leaving Hampshire Road
1/25/51 "Disciples in Clay"
2/8/51 Preyer Road
2/22/51 To The Beautiful Sun
3/1/51 Learning to Pray
3/22/51 Friends in Marion Center, Pa.
9/6/51 Planning a trip to the East. Job at Info Desk, Hotel Cleveland
9/20/51 The Lafayette Hotel, Washington, D.C.
9/27/51 New York City - The Royalton Hotel, New York City
10/18/51 Lexington
10/25/51 Columbus Day, 1951.
11/1/51 More about Washington
11/22/51 Philadelphia- Zanesville, Ohio
12/13/51 December 7, 1951. - Pearl Harbor Day!
10/15/53 Trip through New England
9/9/54 San Francisco
5/26/55 The BY-WAYS
6/2/55 SHARING
7/22/55 Beautiful Things
8/4/55 Prayer to the Money-Bush
11/1/63 THE A B C's OF TRAVEL
11/28/63 Lake Wales, Fla.

The Life of Rufus Putnam The book 'Wagons Away!' Poems A look at Marietta, Ohio A look at Marietta, Ohio Genealogy By-Ways Other Books More links to Rufus Putnam